Business: Marketing Article Category


1. Connect within: 

Call your sales and marketing team over coffee and cupcakes and talk to them, this is the first step towards aligning yourself with 2017. Ask them what they about the current situation and how they want to take on. The reason to bring together your sale and marketing team is to find the reasons and create a mix since they know it all. They deal with customers on day to day basis, talking to your CRM team could also help where your business is doing well and where they are struggling.

 2. Focus on the website and on-line marketing: 

Go through your website and social media channels and see if they are attracting the right kind of audience and what do people think about your content? Is it consistent? Is it educating? If at any level you fell there is any disconnect then correct that then and there. The audience on a digital platform are a 5 min audience and in that short span your website and content should be hitting and engaging the target.

 3. Retention is future: 

The major focus of our sales and marketing teams is on acquiring the clients, by giving 50 new customers per week target would get business to us. It will but for the long run and profit earning business focus on retention of those acquired clients. Try new tactics and techniques to keep them engaged and work on after sales services so that they never choose your competitor.

 4. Confirm your differentiators: 

Make a list of points that you and your teammates think differentiates you from your competitors. Also, reach out to your customers, know what attracts them to you and not your competitors. This will give you an edge over your competitors, also in parallel, you can have your R&D department working on improving the current products or developing a whole new line.

 5. More content marketing: 

Good content on your website would attract a larger number of audience, generate more sales, increase traffic and eventually creating your niche in the market. Talk to your customers and use that insight into publishing content, use correct hashtags for your website. Don't lose your money on PR which not only eats up a major chunk of your online marketing budget but also does not gives your desired results.