3 Tips To Buy Lanyards for Schools


Printed lanyards are used to show an ID card, employee badge or keys, just to name a few. Lanyards are popular because they are easy to use and customize. Aside from this, they are affordable and provide a branding opportunity. If you have been thinking of buying a few for school, you may want to follow the tips given below.

1. Who will be using the lanyards?

 At a workplace, all of the employees will get a lanyard. So, buying one for the workplace is not hard. On the other hand, for school, you need to consider a few things. Who is going to put them on? Will they be students or teachers? What age students are going to wear them? So, you should get answers to these questions before ordering custom printed lanyards. You can buy the same type of lanyard for students and employees.

2. Branding opportunities

Should you go for standard lanyards or custom lanyards? Well, this is a debatable topic. According to some people, you should always go for the custom-brand product. They say that the free promotion is what everyone likes. On the other hand, some people are of the opinion that customization will just add to the price of the product.
Therefore, they don't go for the custom-brand option. However, if you want to make an informed decision, you should decide on a few things first. For instance, if you need a safety breakaway in addition to customization, you won't have tons of styles to choose from. However, if you want custom printing only, you will have tons of styles to choose from. For schools, you can avail a great opportunity should you go for custom-brand lanyards. Both the students and the staff will love the logo and the colors. Aside from this, it will also allow the school to earn a few bucks by selling lanyards at a sporting event or gift shop.

3. Promote a good cause

Some schools use lanyards for promotional purposes. Others use it to carry a card. In other words, they are a great means of promoting a great cause. While it may be surprising, lanyards can be used to deliver a great message to both the staff and the students of a school. Before you buy one, the school management should add the "cause" phrase. This way the product will promote a positive message. As a result, it will have a positive impact on the school culture. Aside from this, teachers can put on the lanyards in order to start a conversation with students about a certain cause. As a matter of fact, the product can help you create a respectful, tolerant and welcoming environment if it comes with a cause. So, these are a few tips that you should consider before investing in printed lanyards for your school needs. Actually, what you need to do is answer the questions by sitting with your school management. This way you can make the right decision regarding buying and using the product.